Microsoft Comes to Grocery Aisle With MediaCart Console

Posted by Mizake on Jan 14, 2008 AP SEATTLE -- Microsoft Corp. is bringing digital advertising to the grocery cart. The software maker spent four years working with Plano, ...

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AuctionAds Affiliate Program

at Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Auction Ads allows you to monetize your website by displaying live eBay auctions next to your related copy

How it Works

1. Sign Up

Sign up to be an AuctionAds publisher.

2. Insert Our Code

Insert our ad code on your web site.

3. Place Ads On Your Site

We place auction ads targeted to your content on your site.

4. Make Money

Users buy products they're interested in and you make money.

AuctionAds Affiliate Program

There is no need to sign up for our affiliate program because our affiliate program is built right into the ads you display! If a user clicks on the "Ads by AuctionAds" that is displayed and signs up for our service you earn a bonus 2% of all revenue generated by that user for the 6 months.

You will get paid the first of every month via Paypal. We feature a 30 day cookie on all referrals.

Sign up or Try AuctionAds

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